Thursday, July 14, 2011

Tauhid-(islamic monotheism)

Tauhid (Islamic Monotheism) has three aspects:

1)Tauhid-ar-Rububiyyyah;Oneness of the Lordship of Allah:

To believe that there is only one lord for all the universe and he is,its Creator,Organiser,Planner,Sustain-er and the giver of security,and that is Allah.
All man kind is believer of this type except malahida and zanadqa.Even Disbelievers (mushrikeen) also have believe in it.As Allah says in Quran:

قُلْ مَنْ يَرْزُقُكُمْ مِنْ السَّمَاءِ وَالأَرْضِ أَمَّنْ يَمْلِكُ السَّمْعَ وَالأَبْصَارَ وَمَنْ يُخْرِجُ الْحَيَّ مِنْ الْمَيِّتِ وَيُخْرِجُ الْمَيِّتَ مِنْ الْحَيِّ وَمَنْ يُدَبِّرُ الأَمْرَ فَسَيَقُولُونَ اللَّهُ فَقُلْ أَفَلاَ تَتَّقُونَ (يونس: 31).

Say (O Muhammad ): "Who provides for you from the sky and from the earth? Or who owns hearing and sight? And who brings out the living from the dead and brings out the dead from the living? And who disposes the affairs?" They will say: "Allah." Say: "Will you not then be afraid of Allah's Punishment (for setting up rivals in worship with Allah)?"

وَلَئِنْ سَأَلْتَهُمْ مَنْ خَلَقَ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأَرْضَ لَيَقُولُنَّ اللَّهُ قُلْ أَفَرَأَيْتُمْ مَا تَدْعُونَ مِنْ دُونِ اللَّهِ إِنْ أَرَادَنِيَ اللَّهُ بِضُرٍّ هَلْ هُنَّ كَاشِفَاتُ ضُرِّهِ أَوْ أَرَادَنِي بِرَحْمَةٍ هَلْ هُنَّ مُمْسِكَاتُ رَحْمَتِهِ قُلْ
حَسْبِيَ اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ يَتَوَكَّلُ الْمُتَوَكِّلُونَ (الزمر: 38).

"And verily, if you ask them: "Who created the heavens and the earth?" Surely, they will say: "Allah (has created them)." Say: "Tell me then, the things that you invoke besides Allah, if Allah intended some harm for me, could they remove His harm, or if He (Allah) intended some mercy for me, could they withhold His Mercy?" Say : "Sufficient for me is Allah; in Him those who trust (i.e. believers) must put their trust."

قُلْ لِمَنْ الأَرْضُ وَمَنْ فِيهَا إِنْ كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ (المؤمنون: 84).
سَيَقُولُونَ لِلَّهِ قُلْ أَفَلاَ تَذَكَّرُونَ (المؤمنون: 85).
قُلْ مَنْ رَبُّ السَّمَاوَاتِ السَّبْعِ وَرَبُّ الْعَرْشِ الْعَظِيمِ (المؤمنون: 86).
سَيَقُولُونَ لِلَّهِ قُلْ أَفَلاَ تَتَّقُونَ (المؤمنون: 87).
قُلْ مَنْ بِيَدِهِ مَلَكُوتُ كُلِّ شَيْءٍ وَهُوَ يُجِيرُ وَلاَ يُجَارُ عَلَيْهِ إِنْ كُنتُمْ تَعْلَمُون (المؤمنون: 88).
سَيَقُولُونَ لِلَّهِ قُلْ فَأَنَّا تُسْحَرُونَ (المؤمنون: 89).

Say: "Whose is the earth and whosoever is therein? If you know!"

85. They will say: "It is Allah's!" Say: "Will you not then remember?"

86. Say: "Who is (the) Lord of the seven heavens, and (the) Lord of the Great Throne?"

87. They will say: "Allah." Say: "Will you not then fear Allah (believe in His Oneness, obey Him, believe in the Resurrection and Recompense for each and every good or bad deed)."

88. Say "In Whose Hand is the sovereignty of everything (i.e. treasures of each and everything)? And He protects (all), while against Whom there is no protector, (i.e. if Allah saves anyone none can punish or harm him, and if Allah punishes or harms anyone none can save him), if you know." [Tafsir Al-Qurtubi, Vol. 12, Page 145]

89. They will say: "(All that belongs) to Allah." Say: "How then are you deceived and turn away from the truth?"

2)Tauhid-al-ulluhiya;Oneness of the worship of Allah:

to believe that none has the right to be worshiped but Allah.Worship (ibadah)means every deed which has been done to get approval or disapproval of a specific person so praying,invoking,asking help,slaughtering sacrifices,charity,swearing,fasting,pilgrimage , circumambulation are all types of ibadah and should be only for the sake of Allah.
Even in muslims, people are rejecting this type of touheed by worshiping graves,asking help from unseen and dead,giving charity and swearing for non Allah.And make parteners with Allah by invoking and asking help from those who even couldnot harm or benifit their selves.
And these partners could not help them on the day of resurrection as Allah says:

وَيَوْمَ نَحْشُرُهُمْ جَمِيعًا ثُمَّ نَقُولُ لِلَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُوا مَكَانَكُمْ أَنْتُمْ وَشُرَكَاؤُكُمْ فَزَيَّلْنَا بَيْنَهُمْ وَقَالَ شُرَكَاؤُهُمْ مَا كُنْتُمْ إِيَّانَا تَعْبُدُونَ (يونس: 28).
فَكَفَى بِاللَّهِ شَهِيدًا بَيْنَنَا وَبَيْنَكُمْ إِنْ كُنَّا عَنْ عِبَادَتِكُمْ لَغَافِلِينَ (يونس: 29).
هُنَالِكَ تَبْلُو كُلُّ نَفْسٍ مَا أَسْلَفَتْ وَرُدُّوا إِلَى اللَّهِ مَوْلاَهُمْ الْحَقِّ وَضَلَّ عَنْهُمْ مَا كَانُوا يَفْتَرُونَ (يونس: 30).

28. And the Day whereon We shall gather them all together, then We shall say to those who did set partners in worship with Us: "Stop at your place! You and your partners (whom you had worshipped in the worldly life)." then We shall separate them, and their (Allah's so-called) partners shall say: "It was not us that you used to worship."

29. "So sufficient is Allah for a witness between us and you, that We indeed knew nothing of your worship of us."

30. There! Every person will know (exactly) what (all) he had earned before, and they will be brought back to Allah, their rightful Lord (Maula), and their invented false deities will vanish from them.

3)Tauhid-al-asma was-sifaat;Oneness of the names and the qualities of Allah:

To believe that:

a) We must not name or qualify Allah except with what he or his messenger has named or qualified him;
b) None can be named or qualified with the names or qualifications of Allah;e.g. Al-Karim;
c)We must believe in all the qualities of Allah which Allah has stated in His Book(the Quran) or mentioned through His Prophet Mohammad s.a.w without changing their meaning or ignoring them completely or twisting the meanings or likening them (giving resemblance) to any of the created things e.g.Allah is present over His Throne as mentioned in the Quran (V.20:5-8)

5. The Most Beneficent (Allah) Istawa (rose over) the (Mighty) Throne (in a manner that suits His Majesty).

6. To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and all that is on the earth, and all that is between them, and all that is under the soil.

7. And if you (O Muhammad ) speak (the invocation) aloud, then verily, He knows the secret and that which is yet more hidden.

8. Allah! La ilahla illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He)! To Him belong the Best Names.

اَللّهُمََّ اِنّىْ اَعُوْدُ بِكَ مِنْ انْ اُشْرِكَ بِكَ شَيئًا وََّ اَنَا اَعْلَمُ بِه وَ اسْتَغْفِرُكَ لِمَا لا اَعْلَمُ بِه تُبْتُ عَنْهُ وَ تَبَرَّاْتُ مِنَ الْكُفْرِ وَ الشّرْكِ وَ الْكِذْبِ وَ الْغِيْبَةِ وَ الْبِدْعَةِ وَ النَّمِيْمَةِ وَ الْفَوَاحِشِ وَ الْبُهْتَانِ وَ الْمَعَاصِىْ كُلِّهَا وَ اَسْلَمْتُ وَ اَقُوْلُ لآ اِلهَ اِلَّا اللّهُ مُحَمَّدُ رَّسُوْلُ اللّهِ

"O Allah! Certainly I seek protection with You from, that I associate partner with You anything and I know it. And I seek forgiveness from You for that I do not know it. I repended from it and I made myself free from disbelief and polytheism and the falsehood and the back-biting and the innovation and the tell-tales and the bad deeds and the blame and the disobedience, all of them. And I submit and I say (there is) none worthy of worship except God, Muhammad is the Messenger of God."

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